Mission: Girls are Strong, Smart and Bold!
We are guided by the vision of powerful girls in an equitable society.

Mission Statement
Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Our comprehensive approach to whole girl development equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers and grow up healthy, educated, and independent.

Girls Inc. San Diego is a recipient of the Equality Can’t Wait Challenge – hosted by Pivotal Ventures!
CONGRATULATIONS to Girls Inc. San Diego for Joining 26 other Girls Inc. affiliates as a recipient of the Equality Can’t wait Challenge in support of the Project Accelerate program.
Girls Inc. girls meet Vice President Kamal Harris!
Experiences like these make an impact. Seeing women in leadership roles, at the highest level sets the bar for what is possible. If they can see it, they can be it!
Our Story
We’re building a new generation of strong, smart, and bold leaders across San Diego County!

What We Do
We equip girls to reach their full potential while advocating with and for them to end inequity and discrimination.
This is a critical moment for our society. The importance of naming and overcoming gender inequity is front-and-center as one of the most critical issues of our time. Girls today face vast and often intersecting challenges and barriers to academic and career success, such as inequalities associated with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, and socio-economic status.

Who We Are
We're the longest-running girls’ leadership program, evolving with girls to meet the challenges and opportunities of the day.
For over 50 years, Girls Inc. of San Diego County (GISD) has taken a holistic approach to whole-girl health and wellness by providing life-changing, no-cost, research-based programming. GISD’s three pillars of work along with a combination of skill development in a pro-girl environment equips girls to reimagine their futures; believe in themselves; pursue higher education and take their seat as tomorrows decision makers.
Girls Have Something to Say

Our Outcomes
We help girls gain the knowledge and skills to effect positive change in their lives. They become leaders who will change the world.
78 %
Of girls can identify an unhealthy relationship

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95 %
Of girls care about doing well in school

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89 %
Of girls agree they have a responsibility to improve their communities

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My Girls Inc. experience was the best experience of my life!
